SSGC is Landee pipe fittings customer in oil and natural gas in Pakistan.
As Landee Pipe Fittings Customer, Sui Southern Gas Company Limited (SSGC) is the main Distributor of natural gas in the southern part of Pakistan.

Pakistan's leading gas utility company, SSGC delivers natural gas to more than 2.4 million customers in the provinces of Sindh and Baluchistan. The entire system encompasses more than 120 towns and 930 villages that are geographically spread out across different types of terrain. SSGC uses a transmission network of more than 3,800 km of pipeline to bring natural gas from the wellheads to its distribution points and then uses more than 38,000 km of distribution pipeline to serve its industrial, commercial, and domestic customers in urban and rural southern Pakistan.

Business:Transmission of natural gas, Distribution of natural gas, Meter manufacturing Gas meter mfg.'s only one unit in Pakistan, Laying of transmission and distribution pipelines; LNG & LPG business in near future.

As Landee Pipe Fittings Customer, Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) is the largest integrated gas company in Pakistan, engaged in the business of transmission and distribution of natural gas.

Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) was incorporated as a private limited Company in 1963 and converted into a public limited company in January 1964 under the Companies Act 1913, now Companies Ordinance 1984, and is listed on all the three Stock Exchanges of the Country.

The Company took over the existing Sui-Multan System (217 miles of 16 inch and 80 miles of 10 inch diameter pipelines) from Pakistan industrial Development Corporation (PIDC) and Dhlian-Rawalpindi-Wah system (82 miles of 6 inch diameter pipeline) from Attock Oil Company Limited. The Company's commercial operations commenced by selling an average of 47 MMCFD gas in two regions viz. Multan and Rawalpindi, serving a total number of 67 consumers.

Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) is the largest integrated gas company serving more than 3.9 million consumers in North Central Pakistan through an extensive network in Punjab, Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa and Azad Jammu & Kashmir and is certified against ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007 Standards. SNGPL’s 11 sites have been registered under the "SMART2" Program by Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (PAK-EPA). The Company has over 48 years of experience in operation and maintenance of high-pressure gas transmission and distribution systems. It has also expanded its activities as Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contractor to undertake the planning, designing and construction of pipelines, both for itself and other organizations.

SNGPL transmission system extends from Sui in Baluchistan to Peshawar in Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa (KPK) comprising over 7,613 KM of Transmission System (Main lines & Loop lines). The distribution activities covering 2,205 main towns along with adjoining villages in Punjab & Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa are organized through 11 regional offices.Distribution system consists of 81,828 KM of pipeline. SNGPL has 3,929,842 consumers comprising Commercial, Domestic, General Industry, Fertilizer, and Power & Cement Sectors. Annual gas sales to these consumers were 581,935 MMCF worth Rs. 187,837 million during Jul 2010 - Jun 2011.

As Industrial Pipe Fittings customer, SYRIA-SINO AL KAWKAB OIL COMPANY (SSKOC) is one of the largest Oil Company in Sylia.

SSKOC is one of Landee's Pipe Fittings customer in oil and gas industry in Syria.

Through Presidential Decree No. 334, the Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC) was created on November 9, 1973, to provide and maintain an adequate and stable supply of oil. Focusing its efforts and resources in learning the ropes of the petroleum industry, PNOC rose to occupy market leadership in an industry thought to be the domain of multinationals. Its charter was amended to include energy exploration and development.
PNOC was a product of the times. It was the Philippines' response to the oil crisis that gripped the world in the 1970's. Before the oil embargo, there was easy and ready access to crude. But sudden upheavals in the global oil industry caught many, including the Philippines, unprepared and, therefore, vulnerable.
The Philippines' response was quick and strategic. PNOC successfully forged oil-supply partnerships with supplier countries. It later acquired refineries and petroleum transport and marketing firms with the aim of being a "total" energy company. With this thrust at the heart of the company's operations, it further initiated the exploration of the country's indigenous oil and non-oil energy resources. Its purpose was to build an energy sector that will bring energy independence to the country. Eventually, PNOC expanded its operations to include total energy development, including indigenous energy sources like oil and gas, coal, and geothermal.
PNOC Exploration Corporation is concentrating on its Oil and Gas businesses, the most popular and successful of which is the Malampaya Deepwater Gas-to-Power Project where, in December 1999, PNOC EC finalized its participation in the largest energy infrastructure undertaking in Philippine history. PNOC EC's involvement in the project effectively joins it with the rank of such other petroleum majors as Shell Exploration (as Project Operator) and Texaco (Partner).
Developments in the country as well as the global front make it imperative for the company to get more involved in new and renewable and alternative energy activities and projects. In 1993, PNOC also ventured into petrochemicals, setting up the Philippines' first petrochemical industrial estate in Limay, Bataan.
PNOC continues to serve as the key institution in the exploration, development and utilization of indigenous oil and non-oil energy sources.
PNOC currently has 5 subsidiaries working together to realize PNOC's vision: PNOC Exploration Corporation, PNOC Shipping and Transport Corporation, PNOC Development Management Corporation, PNOC Alternative Fuels Corporation and PNOC Renewables Corporation.
Philippine National Oil Company, PNOC is Landee Pipe Fittings Customer in oil and gas segment in Philippine.

Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) (Petroleum of Venezuela) is the Venezuelan state-owned petroleum company. It has activities in exploration, production, refining and exporting oil, as well as exploration and production of natural gas. Since its founding on 1 January 1976 with the nationalization of the Venezuelan oil industry, PDVSA has dominated the oil industry of Venezuela, the world's fifth largest oil exporter.
Between 2004 and 2010 PDVSA contributed $61.4 billion to social development funds. Around half of this went directly to various Bolivarian Missions, with the remainder distributed via the National Development Fund.
Venezuela has 77.5 billion barrels (1.232×1010 m3) of conventional oil reserves according to PDVSA figures, the largest in the Western Hemisphere and making up approximately half the total. This puts Venezuela as fifth in the world in proven reserves of conventional oil. By also including an estimated 235 billion barrels (3.74×1010 m3) of tar-like extra heavy crude oil in the Orinoco Belt region, Venezuela claims to hold the largest hydrocarbon reserves in the world. Venezuela also has 150 trillion cubic feet (4.2×1012 m3) of natural gas reserves.
PDVSA has a production capacity, including the strategic associations and operating agreements, of 4 million barrels (640,000 m3) per day (600,000 m3). Officials say production is around 3.3 million barrels per day (520,000 m3/d) although most secondary sources such as OPEC and the EIA put Venezuela's output at least 500,000 barrels per day (79,000 m3/d) lower.
Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) is Landee Pipe Fittings customer in Venezuela.

About EGAS:

His Excellency Minister of Petroleum issued a decree in August 2001 to establish “The Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS)”, as an entity mandated to focus on the natural gas activities, adapting an effective action plan to organize and diligently handle the activities of the natural gas resources of Egypt to add value to the Egyptian economy.

EGAS is engaged in a wide range of activities, including :

Upstream : Exploration, Drilling and Production of natural gas
Downstream : Processing, Transmission, Distribution of natural gas in the domestic market, and Liquefaction and LNG Marketing.


Develop natural gas business in Egypt to be one of the key natural gas players in the region and worldwide.


Operate with integrity to improve HSE performance and increase the staff & contractors awareness.
Maintain a strategy of innovation and growth.
Continue issuing Bid Round, signing Concession Agreements and applying applications of state of art technology in all Exploration processes.
Increase natural gas proven reserves to meet all obligations that fulfill local market demand and export commitments.
Increase Annual Production to manage Supply Vs Demand requirements.
Create Infrastructure and optimize Facilities Utilization.
Project Management aiming cost optimization and effective schedule.
Maximize applying the Value Added Projects.
Establishing new specialized companies in the area of Drilling, Engineering & Marine vessels.
Expanding Egyptian Natural Gas Grid to meet the targeted projects and develop new communities

The Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) is Landee Pipe Fittings Customer in oil and gas segment in Egypt.

British Petroleum, BP is one of the world's leading international oil and gas companies, providing its customers with fuel for transportation, energy for heat and light, retail services and petrochemicals products for everyday items
Facts and figures

Sales and other operating revenues1 $375,517 million (year 2011)
Number of employees 83,400 (at 31 Dec 2011)
Proved reserves2 17,748 million barrels of oil equivalent
Retail sites3 21,800
Upstream and midstream Active in 30 countries
Refineries (wholly or partly owned) 16
Refining throughput 2,352 thousand barrels per day (year 2011)

British Petroleum, BP is Landee Pipe Fitting customer in oil and gas segment.